Welcome to ILoveFreeArt           Download art for free           Submit your artwork


Welcome to ILovefreeart.com. If you’re looking for art or photography for your websites, videos or blogs, then you’re on the right site. ILovefreeart.com was created because we know how difficult it can be to find art or photography for your projects these days. There are tons of works of art and photography on the internet, yet virtually none of it is usable for free. We also know there’s the constant worry of someone pulling your videos or making demands that you take their work off of your websites or blogs due to copyright infringement. Not to mention filing lawsuits.

Trying to find usable work with these concerns can be very frustrating for those trying to get projects done. We usually tend to work on our projects with the hopes that they’ll become popular.  The only problem is that people love to see images. They can be like the icing on the cake you bake. And the bigger your website, video or blog becomes, the bigger your problem becomes, because if you don’t have legal rights to work you’ve used as the Icing for your projects, those who do own the rights will be coming to collect, or make big problems.

This is something we understand clearly here, and is the very reason this site has been created. ILovefreeart.com is a community of artists, videographers and photographers donating their work for you to freely use without the worries and concerns we’ve spoken of above. That’s right…we said “ videographers”. We have a section for that on the way as well…which will be filled with ten second clips for those who may need scenes to fit in your videos …be it for poetry, meditation, music, or any other creative needs they may work well for. And there’s great news for those of you who are photographers and artists also, because ILovefreeart.com is a place where you can submit your works and links to your own sites for exposure as well.

So what are the rules to using works from ILovefreeart.com? Well you may use the works of artists and photographers here for commercial purposes to advertise your own projects …but not to resell works here. This mean if you were selling your shoes, it’s perfectly fine to advertise your shoes using work from ILovefreeart.com. What we don’t allow is reselling work from ILovefreeart.com. This mean you can’t take art or photography from here and sell it, or recycle it for people to download from other sites. Nor can you decide to take works from here to stock up for people to download from your own site. This is something we certainly would take legal action against.

The last thing we ask is that those who use works from ILovefreeart.com in their videos acknowledge us in their credits. It can be a “thank you”, or small “ILovefreeart.com” at the end of your videos. The artists and photographers here need a door for people to find them, so this is all we ask, and would be most appreciated.
So enjoy...have fun…download what you need, and be sure to return. We’ll be updating regularly here, so you never know what new great works you ’ll find here tomorrow. Thank you for visiting, and good luck with your projects.